Some Things Are Forever, Hashimoto’s Doesn’t Have To Be!

Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is an increasingly common form of Hypothyroidism. It involves the immune system attacking the thyroid gland, which is located just below the Adam’s apple at the base of the neck. This gland coordinates many of our bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, and development. Inflammation of the thyroid gland causes it to become under-active.

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Put a Nutritional Stop to the Diabetes Trend – Video

Over 50% of our population is either knowingly or unwittingly pre-diabetic or is already suffering the devastating symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes. Clearly, our existing traditional methods of dealing with this detrimental disease are not effectively reversing the trend. We are continuing to consume foods filled with refined sugars and grains. Watch my Vlog for more!

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Is Fat Our Friend or Foe? - Video

We live in a fatphobic culture. We’re brainwashed into believing that eating fat will make us fat. We, therefore, gravitate towards foods that are marketed as ‘low-fat’, ‘fat-free’ or ‘diet’. These foods, more accurately termed ‘non-foods’ are higher in inflammatory carbohydrates. The insulin and cortisol spiking result of this low fat, high carbohydrate culture is that we suffer from a vast array of health issues. The truth is that fat does not make us sick or fat. In fact, eating good fat helps us to lose weight and feel great!

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The Secret Lies in the Gut - Podcast

Millions of people are struggling with gut issues daily and don’t even realize it. Whether it’s occasional digestive issues or serious malabsorption problems, there is a critical lack of awareness of the causes and consequences of poor digestive health. Some of the major causes lie in our modern diets and lifestyles. Listen to my podcast for more information!

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Food Fit for Bugs

In terms of their role in enhancing gut health and subsequent overall long-term wellness, probiotics are currently high on our radar. Significantly less emphasis is placed on the importance of prebiotics in this digestive health and healing domain. Probiotic-rich kombucha and kimchi are now available in every standard supermarket, but we know little of the importance of prebiotics. The reality is that our Western diets don’t contain anywhere near enough of either.

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