What Does a Healthy Workplace Mean for the Bottomline? 

Do you want to maximize the morale, productivity, and stamina of your workforce? Would you like to reduce stress, absenteeism and healthcare costs in your corporation? What if you took action to improve the health, energy, and positivity of your employees? Do you want to retain quality employees and attract the best talent in the marketplace? What if you could create a corporate culture that your competitors would aspire to? Let’s discuss the importance of Corporate Wellness.

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Fabulous Fruits of Fall

Fall is not just about breathtaking foliage, trick-or-treating and wrapping up against the brisk weather! It’s also about the tasty and nutritious produce nature provides for us to enjoy! Roasted vegetables, sweet or savory pies, and hearty soups alike. Autumn fruits and vegetables are bursting with nourishment and flavor. The question is, which fall produce packs the most nutritious punch?

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Nip Leaky Gut Syndrome in the Bud!

I’m a firm believer that the vast majority of our illnesses and diseases begin with gut issues, broadly termed “leaky gut syndrome” or “intestinal permeability”. Increasingly more studies are highlighting a definitive link between this phenomenon, and many diseases, including Alzheimer’s to Ulcerative Colitis, Anxiety to Metabolic Syndrome, and Candida to Crohn’s.

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