Posts in Nutrition
Fat Friendly Lifestyle for Sustainable Weight Loss - Video

Diets vary from those reliant on “fat-free” food options to the old Atkins-version of the Ketogenic diet. The first leaves us hungry and obsessively craving food. The later results in a gaping nutritional void and clogged arteries. I believe that the secret to sustainable weight loss and long-term health incorporates the best of both philosophies. Watch my Vlog for more info!

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Kick-Start 2018 With Ketosis

What if you could adapt to a dietary lifestyle that didn’t send you to bed hungry or agitated? What if uncontrollable cravings and mood swings could be a complaint of the past? Too perfect to be true, right? Well, the fact is that a Ketogenic lifestyle is not only an extremely effective weight loss tool, but if done correctly, results in satiety and nutrient completion.

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The Healthiest Place to Work in the World

Obesity, depression and chronic disease are escalating epidemics in our society. We spend the vast majority of our day at work. Wouldn’t it make sense to examine how our working environment is encouraging health or cultivating disease? Given the vast majority of our ailments are diet and lifestyle related, are healthy foods and habits not the key to a happy, productive workforce?

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